Blue Ocean Dynamic's involvement in assisting you with your football development and infrastructure is limited to your needs and your desire to improve toward success.

What we offer is broken down into workshops, seminars, training, miscellaneous and league hosting packages.

Workshops & Seminars

Club Development

Blue Ocean Dynamic will look at how to improve the running of your club in the discipline of club administration and communication strategies; how to handle players, coaches and other members of your executive. Ensuring that your administration requirements are in line with normal standard practices.

Public Relations Development

Blue Ocean Dynamic will assist in providing guidance and empowerment in the field of Public Relations for a club or federation that needs it. The ability to engage with your supporters, community and local business is key to maintain a positive image for your club. The various platforms available are key to ensuring that you can tap into the power of public relations.

Acquiring Sponsorships

Blue Ocean Dynamic will provide guidelines on how to approach possible sponsors for your football entity as well as how to avoid the key mistakes people make when approaching sponsors. Without necessary funding, a football structure will struggle to grow beyond just the dream.

Tournament Hosting

Years of experience in the hosting of a tournament is within the DNA of Blue Ocean Dynamic. Allow us to share our experiences and guide past the plethora of potholes that could befall you. Create a checklist of requirements in what is needed to host a successful tournament.

Constitutional Development

No structure will be taken seriously; or will be able to function and be governed if there is no Constitution to guide it. Blue Ocean Dynamic will share the creation of such a document to ensure the functionality of your structure is credible and governed properly.

Competition Rules & Structures

Blue Ocean Dynamic will assist in drafting and creating the correct Competition Rules and Structure for your football entity. Knowing what the pitfalls are and how to overcome or elude them will benefit you greatly. Using many years in the administration and creation environment, Blue Ocean Dynamic will quickly assist in putting the set of rules needed into place.

Football Structure & Infrastructure Development

Direction of a solidified plan of where you want to go and the goals you want to achieve needs to be drafted and plotted accordingly. How to ensure that your football structure you have created achieves the desired outcome, is what Blue Ocean Dynamic can assist with. Building your infrastructure toward your goal is a determined requirement. Putting the correct structure in place is what will ensure success.

Basic Football Administration

If you are a club secretary or league co-ordinator and the responsibilities of administration are a bit confusing, challenging and unclear; then allow Blue Ocean Dynamic to share their valuable experience with you and bring you up to speed.

Communication Strategies

Blue Ocean Dynamic will look at and provide options for which would be the most successful Communication Strategy for your environment to maximise your exposure and reach.

League Co-ordination & Administration

If the full spectrum of running a football league and how to administer it is your requirement, then do not look any further than Blue Ocean Dynamic. From communication to football administration; governance and time management; fixtures, results, discipline and goal scorers; capturing and displaying. Its all here wrapped up in 15 years experience.

Training Assistance

Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Referee Training

Blue Ocean Dynamic will be able to provide Referee Training through theory and practical activities based on FIFA Laws of the Game to ensure your match officials are on par with football rules and regulations.

Coaching Assistance

Blue Ocean Dynamic will assist in the arrangement of a qualified trainer to coach the coaches in the various degrees of coaching that will be required to further your football. Any area of improvement will be looked at and be made availabe if needs be - catered to your requirements.


Event Planning

Blue Ocean Dynamic has years of experience in the events field. We will assist in the every aspect of hosting an event, more so the Planning Stage and the checklists that are associated with it.

Event Hosting

If you feel that an independant company should host the event, why not place your trust in the Blue Ocean Dynamic team to host. Many years of experience in hosting football events will be available.

Event MC's

Blue Ocean Dynamic have excellent MCs that can navigate through any program with ease. If you need someone to take the role of Master of Ceremonies, do not hesitate in adding this function to your basket.

League Administration Packages

Do you want us to run your League for you? We offer affordable packages from basic to our professional premium package, powered through the Provost Player Management system.

Here below is a breakdown of what each package offers you. You can select based on your needs.

Blue Ocean Dynamic can also tailor-make a package for your needs accordingly.

All leagues and league information is hosted on our website, directly linked from the Our Clients page..

Basic Package

Standard Package

Premium Package*

Capturing of Results

Updating Log Standings

League Only

Creating Fixtures

Capturing Results

Updating of Log Standings

League Only

Capturing Goal Scorers

Capturing Cautions/ Sending Offs

Circulation of Updates Weekly

Includes Basic & Standard Package

*Provost Club and Player Management System

Annual Updating of FIFA rules for Referees and Clubs

Referee Management

Communication Strategy

League and 1 x Tournament

All packages prices and queries can be requested from the Blue Ocean Dynamic office.

Viewing and presentation on the Provost Club and Player Management System can be arranged by appointment.